Geothermal Power and Birds

Properly sited geothermal plants can help us combat climate change.

Since geothermal energy is critical to achieving 100% clean energy, Audubon strongly supports geothermal energy that is sited and operated properly to avoid, minimize, and mitigate effectively for the impacts on birds and wildlife. Audubon supports the development of geothermal energy to achieve 100% clean electricity.

Why does Audubon support properly sited geothermal power?

While geothermal may be one of the less talked about sources of renewable energy, it remains one of the best for birds. Unlike wind and solar, geothermal plants don’t need to take up much land, which means that geothermal can viably replace traditional power sources like natural gas and coal with minimal impact. Since geothermal energy is inherently found in very hot, less habitable locations, geothermal power plants are unlikely to disrupt habitat. In fact, geothermal can be placed on uneven desert land where solar would be much more challenging to install. And geothermal plants employ a lot of people. It’s an ecological, economical win.

What risk does geothermal energy pose to birds?

While all types of energy development have an impact on the surrounding land, the small footprint of geothermal energy makes it less risky to birds. The effect on a specific habitat should be examined on a case-by-case basis and altered to minimize impact when necessary.