Ciencia comunitaria en Audubon
Community Science is central to Audubon’s legacy and identity and the involvement of community scientists is fundamental to Audubon’s work to improve the lives of birds. The cornerstone is the Christmas Bird Count (CBC), begun in 1900, making it the longest-running community science program about birds, on which Audubon partners with Birds Canada. Our climate work includes Climate Watch, a program to track the near-real-time response of 12 species to a changing climate. Audubon also collaborates with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and Birds Canada on The Great Backyard Bird Count, a global program for all who love birds. As a founding partner with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology on eBird, Audubon continues to be a leader in the community science field.
Bird data reported by community scientists have been used by researchers since the 1930s to report on the health of bird populations, and Audubon’s scientists have used those data in creating innovative analytical methods that include our CBC population status and trends and learning how birds are responding to a changing climate. Current team members include Kathy Dale (lead), Geoff LeBaron, Brooke Bateman, Sarah Saunders, and Tim Meehan.

Brooke Bateman
Senior Director, Climate & Community Science

Benjamin Haywood
Director, Community Science

Cooper Farr
Community Science Manager
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