Guía de AvesFalcosCernícalo Vulgar
Cernícalo Vulgar
Falco tinnunculus

A simple vista

El equivalente euroasiático de nuestro cernícalo americano es un ave más grande (un poco más grande que un esmerejón). Expandido por Europa y Asia, se ha dispersado hacia nuestra zona desde ambas direcciones, con registros de su presencia diseminados por el noreste y por Alaska y Columbia Británica.
Hawk-like Birds
Baja preocupación
Coasts and Shorelines, Forests and Woodlands
Flap/Glide, Hovering

Rango e identificación


While only rarely seen in our range, this is the most common diurnal raptor in Great Britain and many other parts of its range. Feeds primarily on small mammals, including mice, voles and shrews. While this species was long thought to be closely related to the American Kestrel, recent molecular studies have shown the several species of Old World kestrels to be closely related to each other, but that the American Kestrel is a more distant relative which may or may not be a true kestrel.
About the size of a Crow, About the size of a Robin
Forma de alas
Rounded, Swept, Tapered
Forma de cola
Long, Rounded, Square-tipped