Garceta Común
Egretta garzetta

A simple vista

En el pasado, este equivalente del Viejo Mundo de nuestra garceta nívea era solo un visitante accidental en América del Norte y había un solo registro de su presencia antes de 1980. Desde entonces, se la ha visto varias veces en nuestra costa atlántica durante los meses más cálidos. Estos ejemplares probablemente hayan cruzado desde África occidental al Caribe para luego migrar al norte hacia nuestro lado del Atlántico.
Long-legged Waders
Baja preocupación
Coasts and Shorelines, Lakes, Ponds, and Rivers, Saltwater Wetlands

Rango e identificación


The first record of Little Egret in the New World was on Barbados in April 1954 where it began breeding 40 years later. Individuals are seen with increasing regularity as far south as Brazil and northward along the Alantic coast to Newfoundland. Many European breeders migrate south across the Sahara to winter in equatorial Africa. Birds seen in North America might have been carried by prevailing trade winds to the Caribbean and South America and then attempt their "normal" migration northward in the spring and summer months, only now they find themselves in the western hemisphere. European origins are confirmed by the recovery of at least two individuals banded as nestlings in Spain.
About the size of a Mallard or Herring Gull
Forma de cola

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