Red bird on a green background

Audubon Advisory

July 2023

Legislation to Bolster Hemispheric Bird Conservation Reintroduced in the U.S. House

The Migratory Birds of the Americas Conservation Enhancements Act will help conserve migratory birds by building partnerships between the U.S. and other nations in the Western Hemisphere to protect birds wherever they fly. Increased investments in on-the-ground habitat protection, restoration, education, and research will help more than 350 species of birds that migrate from wintering grounds in Mexico and Central and South America to their nesting habitat in the U.S. and Canada. Read more

An Urgent Need to Protect Irreplaceable Habitats Along the Colorado River

The Colorado River is threatened by drought and climate change, and Audubon is working hard to ensure that federal changes to stabilize water supplies for people will work for nature—and the birds and other wildlife that depend on it. Read more 

Join Us August 1st for a Webinar on Birds and Transmission

To achieve climate stabilization, we need a rapid build-out of transmission and clean energy. Please join us on Tuesday, August 1 at 7 p.m. ET to learn how YOU can become involved in advocating for the necessary clean energy grid of the future. Register to join

News From the Flyways

Impact Updates

Climate Corner Climate change will bring more frequent and severe heatwaves, with consequences for people and wildlife. Birds have a number of ways to keep cool, but when temperatures climb too high, they become stressed and are at risk of dying. Without immediate action, climate change is projected to increase the frequency with which birds are exposed to heat waves, on land and at sea. But there are actions we can take. Lowering carbon emissions will help slow global warming and reduce the risk that these birds will face. More immediately, you can work to make your outdoor space a safe and shady haven for birds. Read more

Your Actions at Work More than 300 bird species spend over half of their time living across federal public lands. Effective management and conservation efforts can make a significant difference in whether these species thrive or slide towards extinction. Last month, more than 14,000 Audubon members wrote to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in support of the new Public Lands Rule, which promotes conservation and prioritizes the health and resilience of ecosystems across those lands. While the comment period closed on July 5th, the debate will continue. There are already proposals in Congress to challenge these plans by the BLM. Read more