“Audubon strongly supports H.R. 1960, the North American Wetlands Conservation Extension Act and H.R. 1917, the Joint Ventures for Bird Habitat Conservation Act. We commend Congressman Rob Wittman and Congressman Ron Kind for recognizing the value of two of America’s most important conservation programs and for sponsoring these two important bills to support and continue their long track record of successful bird conservation.…
"I can and will speak from personal experience as a founder and chairman of the Central Vally Joint Venture, which was among the first established in the mid-1980’s. And, more recently, from my experience as a member of the NAWCA council appointed by Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar in 2010. At that same time Secretary Salazar appointed me to the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Advisory Council.
"My main message to you is this: The North American Wetlands Conservation Act – NAWCA- together in collaboration with Migratory Bird Joint Ventures -- has been the most effective bird conservation initiative of the past 2 decades.”
Full testimony http://naturalresources.house.gov/UploadedFiles/OlsonTestimony03.29.12.pdf