Painted: September 25, 2016
About the Bird: A staple fall migrant in the Eastern United States, Broad-winged Hawks tend to leave en masse for South and Central America, forming spectacular concentrations as they move. Climate change will serve this species a mixed bag: The hawk may begin overwintering in southern U.S. states like Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, but a third of its wintering range in Mexico could be lost. In the summer it could be pushed out of most of western Canada, but expand its range along the East Coast and in the Midwest.
About the Artist: Born in New York City, Jenevieve received a B.F.A. from the Cooper Union School of Art, where she left behind photorealistic portraiture and landscape drawings to further explore dark-room photography and abstract expressionistic painting. Seeking to combine the two, silkscreening became her new medium. After studying the process for a decade, a whole new style has emerged in her work, layered with brushstrokes, decoupage, graffiti tags, patterns, and photographic imagery. The Broad-winged Hawk is one of the many birds she observes throughout the summer season around her home. “It makes a beautiful call and has a strong presence and flight,” she says. “After I saw John James Audubon's brilliant illustration of the hawk, I was inspired to paint one for the project.”
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