Commissioner Rose Harvey and State Council of Parks Chair Lucy Waletzky Awarded Audubon New York’s Prestigious William Hoyt Environmental Excellence Award


 Albany, NY March 22, 2013 – In recognition for their outstanding commitment revitalizing New York’s remarkable State Parks system, Audubon New York and the Audubon Council of New York State selected Rose Harvey, Commissioner of the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP), and Lucy Waletzky, Chair of the New York State Council of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, as the 2013 recipients of the William Hoyt Environmental Excellence Awards. The Award, which is named in honor of the popular environmental advocate who died in 1992 while serving in the State Assembly, will be presented at the 2013 spring Audubon Assembly on March 23rd at the Gideon Putnam Hotel and Conference Center in Saratoga Springs, NY.

“Commissioner Harvey and Chairwoman Waletzky are a dynamic duo for New York’s State Parks, and we are thrilled to present these two deserving and dedicated conservationists with the 2013 William Hoyt Environmental Excellence Awards,” said Albert E. Caccese, Executive Director of Audubon New York. “We always knew Audubon had strong connections to State Parks, but the success of the New York Work program and our Audubon in the Parks partnership can only be attributed to the leadership, passion and support of these two remarkable individuals.

The Hoyt Award is presented annually to Federal or State officials in recognition for work above and beyond the normal call of duty to advance critical solutions to the most pressing environmental issues. Commissioner Harvey and Chairwoman Waletzky have both been tireless advocates for New York’s State Parks, helping to secure millions in much needed funding through the New York Works program to upgrade the aging infrastructure and natural resources at Parks statewide. In addition, both have been instrumental in fostering the Audubon in the Parks initiative, a model public-private partnership between Audubon and OPRHP to enhance bird habitat and natural resources found at our state parks.

“We can’t thank Commissioner Harvey and Chairwoman Waletzky enough for their steadfast support of the Audubon in the Parks program and fostering strong connections between Audubon Chapters and State Parks,” said Richard Saravay, Chair of the Audubon Council of New York State. “Their collective efforts to protect and preserve New York’s State Parks system and the biodiversity it supports are one of a kind, and we are delighted to give these awards to such progressive environmentalists.”
“For many years, Audubon New York has been dedicated to caring for ecosystems and wildlife habitats while promoting the importance of a healthy biodiversity. It has been an honor to work in partnership with Audubon to not only protect natural resources and bird habitat in our state parks, but also to provide educational programming and resources which have helped to create important connections between our park visitors and the natural environment. I am humbled by this recognition, proud to it share with Chairwoman Waletzky, a true leader in bird conservation, and deeply grateful to Audubon’s dedicated efforts to make our partnership rewarding and successful,” said Rose Harvey, Commissioner, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

“I very much appreciate receiving this wonderful award, though most of the credit goes to Governor Cuomo and Commissioner Harvey for their steadfast support of a restored and enhanced State Parks System. I also applaud Audubon New York and the Audubon Council for their energetic implementation of the Audubon in the Parks program which is providing invaluable support in the enhancement of bird habitat, the creation of bird-friendly demonstration gardens, and the installation of nest boxes and monitoring programs throughout the State,” said Lucy Waletzky, Chair of the State Council of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

Past award recipients include then Assemblyman Maurice Hinchey (1990), Assemblyman William Hoyt (1991), Assemblyman Pete Grannis (1992), Senator Owen Johnson (1993), Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (1995), Assemblyman Richard Brodsky (1996), Assemblyman Steven Englebright (1997), Senator Carl Marcellino (1998), DEC Commissioner John Cahill (2000), Assemblyman Sam Hoyt (2001), Attorney General Eliot Spitzer (2002), Assemblyman Thomas DiNapoli (2003), Governor George E. Pataki (2004), OPRHP Commissioner Bernadette Castro (2005), Congressman Maurice Hinchey (2007), Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano (2008), Assemblyman Robert Sweeney (2009), Assemblywoman Ginny Fields (2010), Senator Suzi Oppenheimer (2011), and Senator Mark Grisanti (2012).
For more information about the award and the Audubon Assembly, contact Sean Mahar, Director of Government Relations and Communications, Audubon New York (518) 669-1768 (cell).

Audubon New York, the 50,000 member State program of the National Audubon Society, is dedicated to protecting birds and other wildlife and the habitats that supports them. Our national network of community-based nature centers and chapters, scientific and educational programs, and advocacy on behalf of areas sustaining important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and backgrounds in positive conservation experiences.
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