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Gloria Lentijo is the Working Lands Strategy Director for Audubon Americas. A native of Colombia, Gloria has more than 18 years of experience integrating community participation in conservation through the implementation of bird-friendly practices in agricultural landscapes.
Lentijo has been with Audubon since 2014, developing projects to improve local communities’ capacity for conservation through bird-based tourism, conservation agreements, environmental education, and community science. She is also Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count coordinator for Colombia.
Prior to joining Audubon, Lentijo was a researcher at Cenicafé, the research center for the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, where she developed social tools to measure the effect of bird-friendly practices on farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and conservation behavior. Lentijo is a biologist and received a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue a M.S. in wildlife ecology and conservation at the University of Florida.