Audubon’s Content Partnerships

Bringing you the best climate and wildlife news from around the web. has partnered with several other media organizations that also write about birds and climate change. We'll republish some of their stories from time to time on our site (you can always find all of those stories collected here). 

Here's a bit more about our partner organizations: 

The Daily Climate is an independent media organization working to increase public understanding of climate change, including its scope and scale, potential solutions, and the political processes that impede or advance them. The Daily Climate was formed in 2007 with two core purposes: To syndicate quality journalism about climate change to other media outlets, and to provide a daily aggregation highlighting the best news on climate change from around the globe.

Grist is a nonprofit news site that uses smarts and humor to shine a light on the big green issues changing our world. It covers climate, energy, food, cities, politics, business, green living, and the occasional adorable baby animal. Get Grist in your inbox here, and follow them on Facebook and Twitter.


InsideClimate News is a Pulitzer prize-winning, nonprofit, non-partisan news organization that covers clean energy, carbon energy, nuclear energy and environmental science—plus the territory in between where law, policy and public opinion are shaped. Its mission is to produce clear, objective stories that give the public and decision-makers the information they need to navigate the heat and emotion of climate and energy debates.