
114th CBC US National High Species Count Summary

By Brent Ortego

Birders reported 652 species and 47 infraspecific forms during the 114th Christmas Bird Count (CBC) with five additional species being reported from count week.  Additional species were missed because of the inaccessibility of the three western Hawaiian Island CBCs.  Sinaloa Wren (AZ, Appleton-Whittell)  and Red-throated Pipit (CA, San Jacinto Lake) were new. Birders continue to show their abilities to find single individuals of species lurking in their count circles.  This season high counts of 53 (8%) species/forms were represented by one individual, and 24 percent of the species by 10 or fewer.  

In the listings that follow, boldfaced numbers represent new all-time high counts (or ties with the record number), and boldfaced species are new to the cumulative Christmas Bird Count list.

All-time highs were reported for 28 species/infraspecific forms.  Most new high counts surpassed relatively recent records.  The oldest record broken was 20 years old.  Hayward-Freemont, CA, almost doubled the 10,438 Black-bellied Plovers previously reported by Palo Alto, CA, during the 95th season with 19,256.  

National Highs were spread across most of the country with at least one being obtained by 46 states and 320 CBCs.  Matagorda County Mad Island Marsh, TX, was Number One with highest tallies for 19 species and two infraspecific forms.   Atascosa Highlands, AZ, was 2nd with 17 species, O’ahu: Honolulu, HI, was 3rd with 13 species and one form, Santa Barbara, CA, was 4th with 13 species.  Hawai’i: Volcano had 10 species and one form, and Tucson Valley, AZ, and STA5-Clewiston each had 10 species. Dade County, FL, had nine species, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P., FL, had eight species and two forms, Kaua’i: Kap’a, HI, eight species and one form, Gila River, AZ, and O'ahu: Waipi'o, HI, eight each, San Diego, CA, seven species and one form, and Green Valley-Madera Canyon, AZ, Point Reyes Peninsula & Salton Sea (South), CA, and Anzalduas-Bentsen, TX, each had seven species.  All other CBCs had six or fewer high counts.

California was dominant, placing first with the highest number of high counts since the 94th season.  They were tops for 144 species and 11 infraspecific forms.  Texas had 96 species and seven forms and was followed closely by Florida with 96 species and three forms.  Arizona had the highest tallies for 75 species and two forms, Hawaii 59 species and two forms, Alaska 25 species, Oregon 20 species and three forms, Louisiana 15 species and one form, Washington 15 species, Massachusetts 14  species and one form, Virginia 10 species and one form, New Mexico nine species and five forms,  Colorado nine species and three forms, New York with eight species and one form, and North Carolina eight species.

Only counts for resident species, infraspecific forms, and exotics that do not have editorial comments questioning the validity of the results were accepted for this report.  High counts for exotics without known established populations will be displayed, but will not be added to results for the CBC or state.  If you find a mistake, please let me know and I will include corrections itemized at the end of this report.

    Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 7081 (TX, Weslaco), Fulvous Whistling-Duck 240 (FL, Zellwood-Mount Dora), Egyptian Goose 167 ex (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Swan Goose 11 ex (FL, Lakeland), Pink-footed Goose 1 (ME, Bath-Phippsburg-Georgetown), Greater White-fronted Goose 26,569 (CA, Stockton), Greylag Goose 7 ex (FL, Lakeland), Emperor Goose 1535 (AK, Unalaska Island), Snow Goose 546,225 (MS, Sidon), Snow (white form) Goose 39,400 (NM, Bosque del Apache N.W.R.), Snow (blue form) Goose 21,298 (KS, Manhattan), Ross's (white morph) Goose 39,874 (CA, Merced N.W.R.), Ross's (blue morph) Goose 2 (AR, Pine Bluff), Brant (hrota) 45,173 (NY, L.I.: Southern Nassau County), Brant (nigricans) 4422 (CA, Western Sonoma County), Cackling Goose 68,432 (OR, Eugene), Canada Goose 63,304 (MD, Lower Kent County), Hawaiian Goose 365 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Mute Swan 1800 (MI, Rockwood), Black Swan 6 ex (FL, Lakeland), Black-necked Swan 2 ex (FL, Lakeland), Trumpeter Swan 4436 (WA, Bellingham), Tundra Swan 28,260 (NC, Pettigrew S.P.).

    Common Shelduck 2 ex (FL, Lakeland), Muscovy Duck 365 (FL, Kendall Area), Wood Duck 15,158 (SC, Congaree Swamp), Mandarin Duck 2 ex (CA, Orange County [northeastern]) & Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley; and FL, Kendall Area & Lakeland), Gadwall 57,150 (CA, Peace Valley), Eurasian Wigeon 57 (WA, Padilla Bay), American Wigeon 108,300 (CA, Peace Valley), American Black Duck 25,245 (CT, Woodbury-Roxbury), Mallard 123,951 (ID, Bruneau), Mallard (Mexican) Duck 73 (TX, Balmorhea), Mottled Duck 370 (FL, Stuart), Hawaiian Duck 531 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Blue-winged Teal 2300 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Cinnamon Teal 937 (CA, Sacramento), Northern Shoveler 75,206 (CA, Peace Valley), Northern Pintail 31,5470 (CA, Peace Valley), Green-winged (American) Teal 9574 (OR, Corvallis), Green-winged (Eurasian) Teal 1 (MA, Greater Boston).

    Canvasback 14,503 (CA, Del Norte County), Redhead 41,042 (TX, Corpus Christi [Flour Bluff]), Ring-necked Duck 8450 (MO, Mingo N.W.R.), Tufted Duck 1 (CA, Oakland, Point Reyes Peninsula & Santa Barbara; ID, Sandpoint; OR, Dallas), Greater Scaup 12,575 (NY, Bronx-Westchester Region), Lesser Scaup 21,016 (VA, Fort Belvoir), Steller's Eider 567 (AK, Narrow Cape-Kalsin Bay), King Eider 3 (AK, Narrow Cape-Kalsin Bay; NJ, Cape May), Common Eider 37,417 (MA, Tuckernuck Islands), Harlequin Duck  974 (AK, Unalaska Island), Surf Scoter 10,840 (NY, L.I.: Montauk), White-winged Scoter 3063 (NY, L.I.: Orient), Black Scoter 21,186 (NY, L.I.: Montauk), Long-tailed Duck 4646 (MI, Port Huron), Bufflehead 9500 (CA, Point Reyes Peninsula), Common Goldeneye 9831 (IA, Davenport), Barrow's Goldeneye 1340 (AK, Wrangell Island), Hooded Merganser 1176 (NY, L.I.: Southern Nassau County), Common Merganser 7981 (VT, Champlain Islands-St. Albans), Red-breasted Merganser 6220 (OH, Lake Erie Islands), Ruddy Duck 18,000 (FL, Lake Wales).

    Plain Chachalaca 84 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), Chukar 34 (WY, Crowheart), Gray Francolin 45 (HI, Moloka'i: Kualapu'u), Black Francolin 17 (HI, Moloka'i: Kualapu'u), Erckel's Francolin 12 (HI, Lana'i; Lana'i City), Gray Partridge 102 (MT, Bozeman), Red Junglefowl 104 (HI, Kaua'i: Waimea), Kalij Pheasant 18 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Ring-necked Pheasant 637 (SD, Sand Lake N.W.R.), Common Peafowl 68 ex (CA, Orange County [northeastern]), Ruffed Grouse 31 (NH, Errol-Umbagog), Greater Sage-Grouse 301 (WY, Evanston), Spruce Grouse 8 (MT, Glacier N.P.), Willow Ptarmigan 46 (AK, Izembek N.W.R.), Rock Ptarmigan 76 (AK, Kodiak), Dusky Grouse 4 (CO, Rocky Mountain N.P.), Sooty Grouse 2 (OR, Santiam Pass), Sharp-tailed Grouse 239 (SD, Shadehill), Greater Prairie-Chicken 231 (MN, Crookston), Greater (Attwater's) Prairie-Chicken 5 (TX, Attwater Prairie Chicken N.W.R.), Wild Turkey 869 (WA, Colville), Mountain Quail 34 (CA, Cachuma), Scaled Quail 127 (CO, Pueblo Reservoir), California Quail 2328 (OR, Burns), Gambel's Quail 1816 (AZ, Carefree), Northern Bobwhite 174 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Montezuma Quail 54 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands).

    Red-throated Loon 2511 (OR, Tillamook Bay), Pacific Loon 9024 (OR, Tillamook Bay), Common Loon 739 (NC, Wilmington), Yellow-billed Loon 11 (WA, Sequim-Dungeness), Least Grebe 15 (TX, Brownsville), Pied-billed Grebe 1230 (AL, Guntersville), Horned Grebe 1760 (TX, Lake Tawakoni), Red-necked Grebe 264 (WA, Port Angeles), Eared Grebe 5523 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), Western Grebe 3452 (CA, Ventura), Clark's Grebe 300 (CA, Rancho Santa Fe), Laysan Albatross 130 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Black-footed Albatross 1 (CA, Fort Bragg), Northern Fulmar 2407 (CA, Monterey Peninsula), Hawaiian Petrel CW (HI, Kaho'olawe), Pink-footed Shearwater 4 (CA, Crystal Springs & Palos Verdes Peninsula), Sooty Shearwater 120 (OR, Tillamook Bay), Short-tailed Shearwater 2 (WA, Port Angeles), Manx Shearwater 1 (CA, Palos Verdes Peninsula), Black-vented Shearwater 8869 (CA, Palos Verdes Peninsula), White-tailed Tropicbird 49 (HI, Moloka'i: Kualapu'u).

    Masked Booby 91 (FL, Dry Tortugas National Park), Blue-footed Booby 4 (CA, Diamond Valley), Brown Booby 126 (FL, Dry Tortugas National Park), Red-footed Booby 2760 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Northern Gannet 8000 (MD, Ocean City), American White Pelican 12,506 (CA, Salton Sea [north]), Brown Pelican 1930 (CA, San Juan Capistrano), Brandt's Cormorant 3959 (CA, Santa Cruz County), Neotropic Cormorant 1363 (AZ, Phoenix-Tres Rios), Double-crested Cormorant 37,000 (NC, Ocracoke Island), Great Cormorant 134 (RI, Block Island), Red-faced Cormorant 5 (AK, Kodiak), Pelagic Cormorant 420 (OR, Yaquina Bay), Anhinga 620 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Magnificent Frigatebird 400 (FL, Sanibel-Captiva), Great Frigatebird 25 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), American Bittern 26 (FL, Gainesville), Least Bittern 14 (FL, St. Petersburg), Great Blue (blue form) Heron 678 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Great Blue (white form) Heron 140 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Great Blue (Wurdemann's) Heron 3 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Great Egret 1350 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Snowy Egret 960 (FL, Cocoa), Little Blue Heron 275 (FL, Ponce Inlet), Tricolored Heron 830 (FL, Cocoa), Reddish (red morph) Egret 88 (TX, Kenedy County Wind Turbines), Reddish (white morph) Egret 36 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Cattle Egret 1477 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), Green Heron 65 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Black-crowned Night-Heron 702 (CA, Sacramento), Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 61 (GA, Glynn County), White Ibis 8092 (LA, White Lake), Glossy Ibis 1000 (FL, Sarasota), White-faced Ibis 51,715 (LA, White Lake), Roseate Spoonbill 668 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Wood Stork 400 (FL, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary).

    Black Vulture 1944 (TX, Brazos Bend), Turkey Vulture 5000 (FL, Fort Pierce), California Condor 12 (CA, Pinnacles N.M.), American Flamingo 273 (FL, Dade County), Osprey 250 (FL, St. Petersburg), Hook-billed Kite 1 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), White-tailed Kite 91 (CA, Lincoln), Snail Kite 43 (FL, Kissimmee Valley), Bald Eagle 1035 (IA, Davenport), Northern Harrier 220 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Sharp-shinned Hawk 28 (NJ, Cape May), Cooper's Hawk 99 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Northern Goshawk 9 (AK, Kodiak), Common Black-Hawk 1 (CA, Santa Rosa), Harris's Hawk 28 (TX, Laguna Atascosa N.W.R.), Red-shouldered Hawk 166 (FL, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary), Broad-winged Hawk 8 (LA, Venice), Gray Hawk 14 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), Short-tailed Hawk 7 (FL, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary), Swainson's Hawk 2 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), White-tailed Hawk 33 (TX, Attwater Prairie Chicken N.W.R.), Zone-tailed Hawk 3 (TX, Del Rio), Hawaiian Hawk 4 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Red-tailed Hawk 337 (CA, Benicia), Red-tailed (Harlan's) Hawk 15 (MT, Ninepipe N.W.R.), Red-tailed (Krider's) Hawk 3 (LA, White Lake), Ferruginous Hawk 27 (TX, Lubbock County), Rough-legged Hawk 120 (MT, Ninepipe N.W.R.), Golden Eagle 40 (CA, Eastern Alameda County), Crested Caracara 222 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), American Kestrel 202 (KY, Daviess County South), Merlin 15 (CA, Point Reyes Peninsula), Aplomado Falcon 7 (TX, Brownsville), Gyrfalcon 2 (AK, Nome), Peregrine Falcon 41 (CA, Point Reyes Peninsula), Prairie Falcon 14 (KS, Wilson Reservoir).

    Yellow Rail 6 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Black Rail 19 (CA, Cheep Thrills), Clapper Rail 323 (GA, St. Catherines Island), Clapper (Yuma) Rail 9 (AZ, Bill Williams Delta), Clapper (Light-footed) Rail 8 (CA, San Diego), King Rail 68 (FL, Zellwood-Mount Dora), Virginia Rail 106 (CA, Benicia), Sora 300 (FL, Zellwood-Mount Dora), Purple Swamphen 110 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Purple Gallinule 31 (FL, Lakeland), Common Gallinule 2200 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Common (Hawaiian) Moorhen 335 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Hawaiian Coot 215 (HI, Maui: I'ao Valley), American Coot 130,000 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Limpkin 140 (FL, Lakeland), Sandhill Crane 48,000 (TX, Muleshoe N.W.R.), Whooping Crane 103 (TX, Aransas N.W.R.).

    Black-bellied Plover 19,256 (CA, Hayward-Fremont), American Golden-Plover 1 (FL, Bay County), Pacific Golden-Plover 613 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Snowy Plover 263 (TX, Kenedy County Wind Turbines), Wilson's Plover 51 (FL, Fort Myers), Semipalmated Plover 6540 (CA, Palo Alto), Piping Plover 124 (TX, Port Aransas), Killdeer 5990 (CA, Centerville Beach to King Salmon), Mountain Plover 117 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), American Oystercatcher 960 (VA, Nassawadox), Black Oystercatcher 481 (AK, Kodiak), Black-necked Stilt 1172 (CA, Long Beach-el Dorado), Hawaiian Stilt 661 (HI, Maui: I'ao Valley), American Avocet 3646 (CA, Hayward-Fremont), Spotted Sandpiper 84 (CA, Red Bluff), Solitary Sandpiper 4 (TX, Kingsville), Wandering Tattler 19 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Greater Yellowlegs 404 (TX, Kenedy County Wind Turbines), Willet 3893 (CA, Hayward-Fremont), Lesser Yellowlegs 250 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Whimbrel 111 (CA, Santa Barbara), Bristle-thighed Curlew 4 (HI, Moloka'i: Kualapu'u), Long-billed Curlew 2379 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), Bar-tailed Godwit CW (FL, West Pasco [New Port Richey]), Marbled Godwit 3680 (CA, Centerville Beach to King Salmon).

    Ruddy Turnstone 561 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Black Turnstone 242 (CA, Santa Cruz County), Surfbird 272 (OR, Tillamook Bay), Red Knot 650 (FL, Fort De Soto), Sanderling 3336 (WA, Grays Harbor), Western Sandpiper 17,292 (CA, Hayward-Fremont), Least Sandpiper 7494 (CA, Marin County [southern]), Pectoral Sandpiper 14 (TX, Freeport), Purple Sandpiper 430 (ME, Biddeford-Kennebunkport), Rock Sandpiper 297 (AK, Valdez), Dunlin 20,619 (WA, Padilla Bay), Stilt Sandpiper 268 (TX, Coastal Tip), Short-billed Dowitcher 1561 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Long-billed Dowitcher 16,918 (LA, Lacassine N.W.R.-Thornwell), Wilson's Snipe 713 (MS, Dahomey-Great River Road), American Woodcock 67 (NJ, Cape May), Wilson's Phalarope 3 (TX, Harlingen), Red Phalarope 1505 (CA, San Diego).

    Laughing Gull 16,500 (FL, Cocoa), Franklin's Gull 2 (LA, Sabine N.W.R. &  Lacassine N.W.R.-Thornwell; TX, Dallas County & Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Little Gull 1 (NC, Southport-Bald Head-Oak Islands; OK, Norman & Tulsa; TX, Freeport; VA, Back Bay N.W.R.), Black-headed Gull 7 (SD, Nantucket), Bonaparte's Gull 15,730 (NY, Buffalo), Heermann's Gull 638 (CA, Los Angeles), Mew Gull 8147 (CA, Marin County [southern]), Ring-billed Gull 45,000 (NC, Jordan Lake), California Gull 9503 (CA, Salton Sea [north]), Herring Gull 79,577 (PA, Southern Bucks County), Thayer's Gull 677 (CA, Calero-Morgan Hill), Iceland Gull 66 (MA, Nantucket), Kumlien's Gull 21 (MA, Cape Ann), Lesser Black-backed Gull 578 (NC, Cape Hatteras), Yellow-footed Gull 8 (CA, Salton Sea [north]), Western Gull 8583 (CA, Crystal Springs), Glaucous-winged Gull 6157 (CA, Moss Landing), Glaucous Gull 69 (NY, Massena-Cornwall), Great Black-backed Gull 2841 (PA, Southern Bucks County), Black-legged Kittiwake 229 (CA, Arcata).

    Brown Noddy 1 (FL, Dry Tortugas National Park; HI, Hawai'i: North Kona), White Tern 9 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Sooty Tern CW (FL, Dry Tortugas National Park), Least Tern 1 (TX, Coastal Tip), Gull-billed Tern 90 (TX, Kenedy County Wind Turbines), Caspian Tern 330 (TX, Guadalupe River Delta-McFaddin Family Ranches), Common Tern 6 (TX, Bolivar Peninsula), Forster's Tern 1448 (LA, Sabine N.W.R.), Royal Tern 750 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Sandwich Tern 300 (FL, Sanibel-Captiva), Elegant Tern 2 (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Black Skimmer 1900 (FL, Ponce Inlet), Pomarine Jaeger 5 (CA, Palos Verdes Peninsula), Parasitic Jaeger 26 (FL, Daytona Beach), Dovekie 7 (ME, Jordan Basin, Gulf of Maine), Common Murre 17,012 (OR, Tillamook Bay), Thick-billed Murre 1 (MA, Cape Ann; NH, Coastal New Hampshire; RI, Napatree, RI-CT-NY; WA, Port Angeles), Razorbill 505 (MA, Mid-Cape Cod), Black Guillemot 59 (ME, Mount Desert Island), Pigeon Guillemot 577 (WA, Port Townsend), Scripps's Murrelet 2 (CA, Santa Barbara), Marbled Murrelet 767 (AK, Wrangell Island), Ancient Murrelet 1379 (WA, Sequim-Dungeness), Cassin's Auklet 88 (CA, Rancho Santa Fe), Crested Auklet 6 (AK, Unalaska Island), Rhinoceros Auklet 270 (OR, Tillamook Bay), Atlantic Puffin 4 (ME, Jordan Basin, Gulf of Maine), Tufted Puffin 1 (CA, Monterey Peninsula).

    Rock Pigeon 5375 (AZ, Tucson Valley), White-crowned Pigeon 43 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Red-billed Pigeon CW (TX, Falcon Dam and S.P.), Band-tailed Pigeon 651 (CA, Big Sur), Ringed Turtle-Dove 5 ex (IL, Joliet), Eurasian Collared-Dove 6745 (CO, Pueblo), Spotted Dove 393 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Zebra Dove 1381 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), White-winged Dove 11,359 (NM, Las Cruces), Mourning Dove 3988 (AZ, Phoenix-Tres Rios), Inca Dove 198 (TX, Harlingen), Common Ground-Dove 106 (TX, Corpus Christi), Ruddy Ground-Dove 3 (AZ, Portal), White-tipped Dove 44 (TX, Falcon Dam and S.P.).

    Budgerigar 2 (FL, West Pasco [New Port Richey]), Peach-faced Lovebird 5 ex (AZ, Carefree), Rose-ringed Parakeet 141 (CA, Bakersfield), Monk Parakeet 315 (FL, St. Petersburg), Green Parakeet 613 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), Red-masked Parakeet 307 ex (CA, San Francisco), Crimson-fronted Parakeet 25 ex (FL, Dade County), Mitred Parakeet 428 (CA, Long Beach-el Dorado), Blue-crowned Parakeet 51 ex (FL, Fort Lauderdale), Scarlet-fronted Parakeet 5 ex (FL, Dade County), White-eyed Parakeet 140 ex (FL, Dade County), Black-hooded Parakeet 535 (FL, St. Petersburg), Chestnut-fronted Macaw 42 ex (FL, Dade County), Blue-and-yellow Macaw 6 ex (FL, Kendall Area), Canary-winged Parakeet 104 ex (CA, Los Angeles), White-winged Parakeet 170 (FL, Dade County), Yellow-chevroned Parakeet 117 ex (FL, Kendall Area), White-fronted Parrot 2 ex (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Red-crowned Parrot 564 (CA, Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley), Lilac-crowned Parrot 107 ex (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Red-lored Parrot 40 ex (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Yellow-headed Parrot 9 ex (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Orange-winged Parrot 35 ex (FL, Kendall Area), Blue-fronted Parrot 6 ex (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Turquoise-fronted Parrot 2 ex (CA, Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley), Mangrove Cuckoo 2 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Greater Roadrunner 35 (AZ, Gila River), Groove-billed Ani 8 (TX, Brownsville).

    Barn Owl 26 (CA, Lincoln), Western Screech-Owl 66 (CA, Santa Barbara), Eastern Screech-Owl 170 (FL, St. Petersburg), Whiskered Screech-Owl 11 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Great Horned Owl 52 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Snowy Owl 33 (MA, Nantucket), Northern Hawk Owl 2 (MN, Two Harbors & Sax-Zim), Northern Pygmy-Owl 10 (CA, Angwin), Burrowing Owl 231 (FL, Fort Myers), Spotted Owl 3 (CA, Centerville Beach to King Salmon & Santa Barbara), Barred Owl 47 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Great Gray Owl 2 (MN, Baudette), Long-eared Owl 36 (MT, Missoula), Short-eared Owl 23 (WA, Padilla Bay), Boreal Owl 1 (AK, Shageluk & Anchorage), Northern Saw-whet Owl 22 (CA, Año Nuevo).

    Lesser Nighthawk 1 (FL, Long Pine Key), Common Nighthawk 1 (FL, Econlockhatchee), Common Pauraque 20 (TX, Brownsville), Common Poorwill 2 (CA, Orange County [northeastern]), Chuck-will's-widow 2 (FL, Fort Lauderdale), Eastern Whip-poor-will 4 (FL, Zellwood-Mount Dora), Vaux's Swift 1 (CA, Oceanside-Vista-Carlsbad), Chaetura sp. 1 (FL, West Pasco [New Port Richey]), White-throated Swift 1000 (TX, Balmorhea), Broad-billed Hummingbird 35 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Buff-bellied Hummingbird 18 (TX, Harlingen), Violet-crowned Hummingbird 1 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), Blue-throated Hummingbird 11 (AZ, Portal), Magnificent Hummingbird 9 (AZ, Ramsey Canyon), Ruby-throated Hummingbird 58 (FL, Kendall Area), Black-chinned Hummingbird 10 (TX, Freeport), Anna's Hummingbird 1127 (CA, San Francisco), Costa's Hummingbird 121 (CA, Anza-Borrego Desert), Calliope Hummingbird 4 (LA, Baton Rouge), Broad-tailed Hummingbird 5 (LA, Baton Rouge), Rufous Hummingbird 78 (LA, Baton Rouge), Allen's Hummingbird 579 (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Elegant Trogon 4 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Ringed Kingfisher 13 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), Belted Kingfisher 175 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Green Kingfisher 15 (TX, Guadalupe River Delta-McFaddin Family Ranches).

    Lewis's Woodpecker 194 (CA, Anderson River Park), Red-headed Woodpecker 521 (MO, Horton-Four Rivers), Acorn Woodpecker 851 (CA, Santa Barbara), Gila Woodpecker 496 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Golden-fronted Woodpecker 390 (TX, Harlingen), Red-bellied Woodpecker 503 (VA, Fort Belvoir), Williamson's Sapsucker 5 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 87 (TX, Nacogdoches), Red-naped Sapsucker 47 (AZ, Prescott), Red-breasted Sapsucker 47 (CA, Putah Creek), Ladder-backed Woodpecker 110 (AZ, Salt Verde River), Nuttall's Woodpecker 197 (CA, Putah Creek), Downy Woodpecker 936 (MA, Concord), Hairy Woodpecker 172 (MA, Concord), Arizona Woodpecker 28 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Red-cockaded Woodpecker 34 (SC, McClellanville), White-headed Woodpecker  16 (OR, Sisters), American Three-toed Woodpecker 3 (MT, Glacier N.P.; CO, Grand Mesa), Black-backed Woodpecker 7 (NY, Saranac Lake), Northern Flicker 505 (OR, Portland), Northern (Red-shafted) Flicker 480 (CA, Putah Creek), Northern (Yellow-shafted) Flicker 360 (VA, Fort Belvoir), Gilded Flicker 41 (AZ, Carefree), Pileated Woodpecker 105 (SC, Congaree Swamp).

    Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet 3 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), Greater Pewee 1 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Least Flycatcher 8 (TX, San Bernard N.W.R.), Hammond's Flycatcher 18 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Gray Flycatcher 49 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Dusky Flycatcher 6 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands & Patagonia), Pacific-slope Flycatcher 2 (CA, Palos Verdes Peninsula), Cordilleran Flycatcher 2 (AZ, Hassayampa River), Western Flycatcher 2 (CA, San Diego), Black Phoebe 506 (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Eastern Phoebe 934 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Say's Phoebe 180 (AZ, Gila River), Vermilion Flycatcher 267 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Dusky-capped Flycatcher 1 (CA, Long Beach-el Dorado), Ash-throated Flycatcher 13 (AZ, Gila River), Nutting's Flycatcher 1 (AZ, Bill Williams Delta), Great Crested Flycatcher 65 (FL, Fakahatchee), Brown-crested Flycatcher 2 (TX, Laguna Atascosa N.W.R. & Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), La Sagra's Flycatcher 1 (FL, Kendall Area), Great Kiskadee 202 (TX, Santa Ana N.W.R.), Tropical Kingbird 45 (TX, Santa Ana N.W.R.), Couch's Kingbird 141 (TX, Guadalupe River Delta-McFaddin Family Ranches), Cassin's Kingbird 264 (CA, Oceanside-Vista-Carlsbad), Thick-billed Kingbird 1 (CA, San Diego), Western Kingbird 18 (FL, Zellwood-Mount Dora), Gray Kingbird 1 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 50 (TX, College Station).

    Loggerhead Shrike 182 (FL, Peace River), Northern Shrike 13 (MI, Neebish Island-Dunbar), White-eyed Vireo 110 (FL, Gainesville), Yellow-throated Vireo 4 (FL, Dade County), Plumbeous Vireo 7 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Cassin's Vireo 3 (AZ, Salt Verde River), Blue-headed Vireo 70 (FL, Gainesville), Hutton's Vireo 93 (CA, Oakland), Warbling Vireo 1 (CA, Santa Barbara), Gray Jay 112 (CA, Centerville Beach to King Salmon), Steller's Jay 446 (CA, Oakland), Blue Jay 1860 (MA, Concord), Black-throated Magpie-Jay 7 (CA, San Diego), Green Jay 214 (TX, Anzalduas-Bentsen), Florida Scrub-Jay 57 (FL, Merritt Island N.W.R.), Island Scrub-Jay 179 (CA, Santa Cruz Island), Western Scrub-Jay 902 (OR, Eugene), Mexican Jay 383 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Pinyon Jay 820 (NV, Carson City), Clark's Nutcracker 92 (WA, Twisp), Black-billed Magpie 1045 (MT, Bozeman), Yellow-billed Magpie  337 (CA, Sacramento), American Crow 223,090 (IL, Forest Glen Preserve), Northwestern Crow 602 (AK, Sitka), Fish Crow 20,000 (FL, Econlockhatchee), Chihuahuan Raven 310 (NM, Las Cruces), Common Raven 1344 (AK, Kodiak).

    Hawaii Elepaio 59 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Kauai Elepaio 5 (HI, Kaua'i: Waimea), Oahu Elepaio 7 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Sky Lark 13 (HI, Kaho'olawe), Horned Lark 12,495 (CO, Barr Lake), Purple Martin CW (FL, West Pasco [New Port Richey]), Tree Swallow 65,000 (FL, Lake Placid), Violet-green Swallow 40 (AZ, Bill Williams Delta), Northern Rough-winged Swallow 480 (FL, STA5-Clewiston), Bank Swallow 1 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), Cave Swallow 200 (TX, San Antonio), Barn Swallow 26 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), Carolina Chickadee 1449 (VA, Fort Belvoir), Black-capped Chickadee 2873 (MA, Concord), Mountain Chickadee 441 (CO, Evergreen-Idaho Springs), Mexican Chickadee 4 (AZ, Portal), Chestnut-backed Chickadee 1354 (CA, Oakland), Boreal Chickadee 145 (AK, Anchorage), Bridled Titmouse 239 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Oak Titmouse 485 (CA, Folsom), Juniper Titmouse 87 (NM, Sandia Mountains), Tufted Titmouse 1497 (MA, Concord), Black-crested Titmouse 271 (TX, Westcave Preserve), Verdin 624 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Bushtit 2706 (OR, Portland), Red-breasted Nuthatch 323 (NH, Pittsburg), White-breasted Nuthatch 1060 (MA, Concord), Pygmy Nuthatch 879 (CO, Evergreen-Idaho Springs), Brown-headed Nuthatch 259 (GA, St. Catherines Island), Brown Creeper 121 (OR, Portland).

    Cactus Wren 300 (AZ, Carefree), Rock Wren 126 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Canyon Wren 121 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Sinaloa Wren 1 (AZ, Appleton-Whittell), Carolina Wren 803 (VA, Fort Belvoir), Bewick's Wren 333 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), House Wren 261 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Winter Wren 94 (VA, Northern Shenandoah Valley), Pacific Wren 298 (WA, Olympia), Sedge Wren 207 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Marsh Wren 277 (CA, Salton Sea [south]), American Dipper 44 (MT, Yellowstone N.P.), Red-vented Bulbul 379 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Red-whiskered Bulbul  234 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), Golden-crowned Kinglet 1308 (WA, Sequim-Dungeness), Ruby-crowned Kinglet 908 (CA, Oakland), Japanese Bush-Warbler 40 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 425 (FL, Gainesville), California Gnatcatcher 47 (CA, Rancho Santa Fe), Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 137 (AZ, Gila River), Black-capped Gnatcatcher 2 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), White-rumped Shama 60 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Eastern Bluebird 693 (VA, Northern Shenandoah Valley), Western Bluebird 1312 (AZ, Sedona), Mountain Bluebird 2170 (AZ, Chino Valley), Townsend's Solitaire 154 (NM, Sandia Mountains), Omao 183 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Veery 1 (SC, Savannah River Site), Swainson's Thrush 1 (CA, Oceanside-Vista-Carlsbad), Hermit Thrush 583 (CA, Point Reyes Peninsula), Wood Thrush 1 (TX, Sea Rim S.P.), Clay-colored Thrush 11 (TX, Weslaco), American Robin 81,868 (OK, Fort Gibson Reservoir), Varied Thrush 453 (OR, Coquille Valley).

    Hwamei 4 (HI, Kaua'i: Waimea & Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Red-billed Leiothrix 118 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Wrentit 498 (CA, Point Reyes Peninsula), Japanese White-eye 289 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Gray Catbird 300 (FL, Long Pine Key), Northern Mockingbird 534 (TX, Laguna Atascosa N.W.R.), Sage Thrasher 23 (AZ, Camp Verde), Brown Thrasher 72 (GA, Roswell), Long-billed Thrasher 41 (TX, Choke Canyon), Bendire's Thrasher 9 (AZ, Gila River), Curve-billed Thrasher 197 (AZ, Carefree), California Thrasher 116 (CA, Rancho Santa Fe), Crissal Thrasher 37 (AZ, Gila River), Le Conte's Thrasher 9 (AZ, Gila River), European Starling 295,192 (CA, Stockton), Common Myna 885 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Hill Myna 30 ex (FL, Kendall Area), Red-throated Pipit 1 (CA, San Jacinto Lake), American Pipit 1208 (CA, Centerville Beach to King Salmon), Sprague's Pipit 34 (TX, Attwater Prairie Chicken N.W.R.), Bohemian Waxwing 18,936 (AK, Anchorage), Cedar Waxwing 2712 (GA, Savannah, GA-SC), Phainopepla 338 (AZ, Salt Verde River).

    Olive Warbler 4 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), Tennessee Warbler 2 (CA, Santa Barbara; FL, Dade County), Orange-crowned Warbler 377 (CA, Santa Barbara), Nashville Warbler 7 (CA, Centerville Beach to King Salmon), Virginia's Warbler 1 (CA, Los Angeles), Lucy's Warbler 2 (CA, Santa Barbara), Northern Parula 56 (FL, Dade County), Tropical Parula 1 (TX, Santa Ana N.W.R.), Yellow Warbler 16 (FL, Key Largo-Plantation Key), Chestnut-sided Warbler 1 (CA, San Juan Capistrano); TX, Georgetown-Andice), Magnolia Warbler 4 (FL, Dade County), Cape May Warbler 3 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P. & Kendall Area), Black-throated Blue Warbler 10 (FL, Dade County), Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler 3926 (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler 5982 (AL, Gulf Shores), Black-throated Gray Warbler 15 (CA, Palos Verdes Peninsula), Black-throated Green Warbler 6 (FL, Dade County), Townsend's Warbler 491 (CA, Santa Barbara), Hermit Warbler 6 (CA, San Francisco), Yellow-throated Warbler 40 (FL, Gainesville), Grace's Warbler 1 (CA, San Diego & Santa Barbara), Pine Warbler 750 (FL, Avon Park A.F. Range), Prairie Warbler 75 (FL, Key Largo-Plantation Key), Palm Warbler 1500 (FL, Clermont), Palm (Western) Warbler 300 (FL, Long Pine Key), Palm (Yellow) Warbler 4 (MD, Chesterville & Ocean City).

    Black-and-white Warbler 95 (FL, Gainesville), American Redstart 17 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Worm-eating Warbler 2 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Ovenbird 13 (FL, Dade County), Northern Waterthrush 34 (FL, Coot Bay-Everglades N.P.), Louisiana Waterthrush 1 (AZ, Patagonia, Santa Catalina Mountains &Tucson Valley; FL, Dade County; VA, Waynesboro), MacGillivray's Warbler 1 (MA, Taunton-Middleboro), Common Yellowthroat 408 (CA, Orange County [coastal]), Hooded Warbler 1 (TX, Armand Bayou); Wilson's Warbler 19 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Painted Redstart 11 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Rufous-capped Warbler 4 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), Yellow-breasted Chat 5 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Hepatic Tanager 14 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Summer Tanager 8 (CA, San Diego), Western Tanager 11 (CA, Los Angeles).

    White-collared Seedeater 1 (TX, Laredo), Yellow-faced Grassquit 5 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), Saffron Finch 122 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), Red-crested Cardinal 160 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), Yellow-billed Cardinal 6 (HI, Hawai'i: North Kona), Olive Sparrow 39 (TX, Santa Ana N.W.R.), Green-tailed Towhee 195 (NM, Peloncillo Mountains), Spotted Towhee 495 (OR, Eugene), Eastern Towhee 313 (NC, Durham), Canyon Towhee 262 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), California Towhee 847 (CA, Oakland), Abert's Towhee 584 (AZ, Gila River), Rufous-winged Sparrow 204 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), Cassin's Sparrow 4 (TX, Coastal Tip), Bachman's Sparrow 12 (NC, Camp Lejeune), Botteri's Sparrow 1 (AZ, Appleton-Whittell & Nogales), Rufous-crowned Sparrow 379 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), Five-striped Sparrow 5 (AZ, Atascosa Highlands), American Tree Sparrow 2175 (KS, Oskaloosa-Perry Lake), Chipping Sparrow 1720 (AZ, Patagonia), Clay-colored Sparrow 10 (TX, Chaparral W.M.A.), Brewer's Sparrow 2585 (AZ, Elfrida), Field Sparrow 665 (TX, Balcones Canyonlands), Black-chinned Sparrow 47 (AZ, Portal), Vesper Sparrow 504 (NM, Peloncillo Mountains), Lark Sparrow 1249 (AZ, Nogales), Black-throated Sparrow 463 (NM, Peloncillo Mountains), Bell's Sparrow (Bell's) 67 (CA, Carrizo Plain), Bell's Sparrow (Mojave) 17 (CA, Anza-Borrego Desert), Sagebrush Sparrow 92 (NM, Five Points), Lark Bunting 163 (AZ, Elfrida), Savannah Sparrow 4040 (TX, Matagorda County-Mad Island Marsh), Savannah (Belding's) Sparrow 172 (CA, Long Beach-el Dorado), Savannah (Ipswich) Sparrow 20 (VA, Cape Charles), Savannah (Large-billed) Sparrow 1 (CA, Orange County [coastal]).

    Grasshopper Sparrow 46 (TX, Balcones Canyonlands), Baird's Sparrow 7 (AZ, Buenos Aires N.W.R.), Henslow's Sparrow 48 (MS, Jackson County), Le Conte's Sparrow 71 (TX, Attwater Prairie Chicken N.W.R.), Nelson's Sparrow 297 (LA, Grand Isle), Saltmarsh Sparrow 32 (GA, St. Catherines Island; VA, Nansemond River), Seaside Sparrow 127 (LA, Grand Isle), Fox (Eastern) Sparrow 141 (NJ, Cape May), Fox (Red) Sparrow 8 (TN, Knoxville), Fox (Sooty) Sparrow 910 (OR, Coos Bay), Fox (Slate-colored) Sparrow 22 (CA, Cachuma), Song Sparrow 1619 (OR, Portland), Lincoln's Sparrow 327 (TX, Balcones Canyonlands), Swamp Sparrow 1250 (FL, Avon Park A.F. Range), White-throated Sparrow 4526 (PA, New Bloomfield), Harris's Sparrow 1012 (KS, Udall-Winfield), White-crowned Sparrow 4549 (CA, Wallace-Bellota), White-crowned (Gambel's) Sparrow 1248 (CA, Salton Sea [north]), White-crowned (Mountain) Sparrow 1 (NM, Peloncillo Mountains), Golden-crowned Sparrow 3496 (CA, Marin County [southern]).

    Dark-eyed (Gray-headed) Junco 254 (NM, Sandia Mountains), Dark-eyed (Oregon) Junco 2980 (OR, Portland), Dark-eyed (Pink-sided) Junco 602 (CO, Loveland), Dark-eyed (Slate-colored) Junco 3302 (PA, Lehigh Valley), Dark-eyed  (White-winged) Junco 427 (CA, Oakhurst), Dark-eyed (Gray-headed dorsalis) Junco 2 (NM, Bluewater Lake), Dark-eyed (Gray-headed caniceps) Junco 74 (NM, Bluewater Lake), Dark-eyed (Cassiar) Junco 23 (CO, Loveland), Dark-eyed (Red-backed) Junco 83 (AZ, Flagstaff-Mt. Elden), Yellow-eyed Junco 104 (AZ, Green Valley-Madera Canyon), McCown's Longspur 90 (TX, Granger), Lapland Longspur 6790 (OH, Rudolph), Smith's Longspur 371 (OK, Norman), Chestnut-collared Longspur 336 (NM, Five Points), Little Bunting 1 UR (CA, Arcata), Rustic Bunting 1 (AK, Homer), Snow Bunting 1745 (IN, Pokagon), McKay's Bunting 16 (AK, Nome), Northern Cardinal 1826 (OH, Cincinnati), Pyrrhuloxia 203 (AZ, Ramsey Canyon), Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1 (AZ, Phoenix-Tres Rios; CA, San Francisco; TX, Guadalupe River Delta-McFaddin Family Ranches; WI, Sauk City), Black-headed Grosbeak 1 (CA, Santa Barbara &  Sonoma Valley; OR, Portland), Blue Grosbeak 3 (FL, Zellwood-Mount Dora), Lazuli Bunting 11 (AZ, Patagonia), Indigo Bunting 35 (FL, Sarasota), Painted Bunting 38 (FL, West Palm Beach), Dickcissel 2 (TX, Guadalupe River Delta-McFaddin Family Ranches).

    Bobolink 1 (IN, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore), Red-winged Blackbird 4,246,654 (LA, Pine Prairie), Tricolored Blackbird 8230 (CA, Los Baños), Eastern Meadowlark 970 (TX, Attwater Prairie Chicken N.W.R.), Western Meadowlark 1687 (CA, Lincoln), Yellow-headed Blackbird 5589 (AZ, Phoenix-Tres Rios), Rusty Blackbird 1259 (MS, Jackson), Brewer's Blackbird 508,466 (CA, Sacramento), Common Grackle 501,441 (SC, Pinewood), Boat-tailed Grackle 58,815 (LA, Lacassine N.W.R.-Thornwell), Great-tailed Grackle 20,719 (TX, Fort Worth), Bronzed Cowbird 708 (TX, Weslaco), Brown-headed Cowbird 6,825,001 (LA, Pine Prairie), Orchard Oriole 2 (CA, Rancho Santa Fe & San Francisco), Hooded Oriole 5 (TX, Falcon Dam and S.P.), Streak-backed Oriole 1 (UT, St. George), Bullock's Oriole 6 (CA, San Diego), Spot-breasted Oriole 2 (FL, West Palm Beach), Altamira Oriole 27 (TX, Falcon Dam and S.P.), Audubon's Oriole 9 (TX, Falcon Dam and S.P.), Baltimore Oriole 50 (FL, Lake Placid), Scott's Oriole 10 (CA, Anza-Borrego Desert).

    Brambling 1 (AK, Seward), Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch 215 (CO, Loveland), Black Rosy-Finch 33 (WY, Dubois), Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 190 (CO, Loveland), rosy-finch sp. 580 (CO, Loveland), Pine Grosbeak 174 (AK, Kodiak), Purple Finch 379 (NH, Pittsburg), Cassin's Finch 253 (CA, Sierra Valley), House Finch 2583 (AZ, Tucson Valley), Red Crossbill 190 (OR, Sisters), White-winged Crossbill 30 (MN, Sax-Zim), Common Redpoll 552 (AK, Fairbanks), Hoary Redpoll 6 (AK, Shageluk), Eurasian Linnet 1 ex (NY, L.I.: Queens), Pine Siskin 722 (CA, Point Reyes Peninsula), Lesser Goldfinch 1159 (CA, Auburn), Lawrence's Goldfinch 356 (CA, Mount Hamilton), American Goldfinch 1690 (CA, Marin County [southern]), European Goldfinch 5 ex (WI, Racine), Yellow-fronted Canary 56 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Evening Grosbeak 420 (CA, Lake Almanor).

    Hawaii Amakihi 285 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Maui Amakihi 30 (HI, Maui: Haleakala N.P. - Pu'u O Kaka'e), Oahu Amakihi 33 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Anianiau 7 (HI, Kaua'i: Waimea), Akiapolaau 20 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Hawaii Creeper 9 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Akekee 1 (HI, Kaua'i: Waimea), Hawaii Akepa 1 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Iiwi 173 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), Apapane 1053 (HI, Hawai'i: Volcano), House Sparrow 4185 (WI, La Crosse), Eurasian Tree Sparrow 688 (IL, Western Mercer County), Red Bishop 10 ex (CA, Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley), Lavender Waxbill 15 (HI, Hawai'i: North Kona), Orange-cheeked Waxbill 6 (HI, Maui: I'ao Valley), Common Waxbill 825 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), Red Avadavat 3 (HI, O'ahu: Waipi'o), African Silverbill 29 (HI, Kaho'olawe), Nutmeg Mannikin 451 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Tricolored Munia 1 ex (FL, Dry Tortugas National Park), Chestnut Munia 95 (HI, Kaua'i: Kapa'a), Java Sparrow 497 (HI, O'ahu: Honolulu), Pin-tailed Whydah 1 ex (CA, Long Beach-el Dorado).