Emily Feng
As the senior climate science coordinator at Audubon, Emily provides technical and research support to Audubon’s Science Division on a variety of national and international efforts, including Climate Watch and the Migratory Bird Initiative. Emily’s research interests range from applied ecology to data science, and while she can never give you a definitive answer on what her favorite species is, it will likely be a bird. She enjoys using species data to answer challenging questions involving humans, nature, and the systems that link them.
Prior to joining Audubon in January 2022, she coordinated community science projects that monitored watershed health in the California Sierra Nevada. For the state of Illinois, she used species occurrences and protected land networks to build a spatial assessment that prioritized state conservation decisions. Most recently, she led research for the PRISM Cooperative Institute, a multi-disciplinary, national research team, where she used interdisciplinary approaches to improve our understanding of complex problems in human-natural systems. At PRISM, she published research that uncovered links between risk management in ecology, economics, and engineering. Emily holds a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology and Natural Resource Ecology from the University of Vermont.