Vulnerable Birds in Black Hawk County
Highly and moderately vulnerable birds may lose more than half of their current range—the geographic area where they live—as they are forced to search for suitable habitat and climate conditions elsewhere.
Below, find out which of the birds that nest or spend the winter in your area are most vulnerable across their entire range. Some birds may lose range outside of your state, making the protection of their current habitat in your area even more important.
How Will the Song Sparrow's Range Be Affected in Black Hawk County?
Rising temperatures and shifting weather patterns affect birds’ ability to find food and reproduce, which over time impacts local populations, and ultimately continent-wide populations, too. Some species may even go extinct in your state if they cannot find the resources they need to survive and raise their young.
Select a warming scenario to see how this species’ range will change under increased global temperatures.
Reducing warming makes many types of birds found in Black Hawk County less vulnerable.
Without immediate, urgent action to reduce carbon emissions, global temperatures could rise by 3.0°C in the coming decades, endangering birds in your area. The threat is drastically reduced if we curb greenhouse gases and we limit warming to 1.5°C, giving the same birds a chance to not only survive but thrive.
Click the three different warming scenarios to explore how increased warming puts more species in Black Hawk county at risk.
Iowa's Birds and Habitats
Iowa’s expansive agricultural landscape is speckled with forests, prairies, wetlands, and lakes that are home to more than 380 recorded bird species. Grasshopper Sparrows, Henslow’s Sparrows, and Bobolinks nest in the prairies of Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge. Along the Des Moines River, the wooded valleys and bluffs of Lacey Keosauqua State Park host spring migrant warblers and songbirds, while Saylorville Reservoir attracts waterfowl, loons, grebes, gulls, and terns.
Climate Policy in Iowa
.4 % Biomass
1.8 % Hydro
43.8 % Coal
.3 % Petroleum
Climate Alliance?
(Data: U.S. EIA)
Iowa was the first state to establish a renewable energy goal—105 MW, passed in 1983—though it hasn’t updated it since. The Iowa Utilities Board’s energy efficiency programs led to cost-effective energy savings throughout the state, although recent legislation rolled them back.
Climate Threats Facing Birds and People in Black Hawk County
Heavier precipitation has increased the frequency, distribution, and intensity of floods along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, damaging homes, infrastructure, and critical bird habitat. Rising temperatures will exacerbate droughts and reduce crop yields. In the coming decades, Iowa will likely experience more intense droughts and more frequent extreme heat days that threaten communities, especially vulnerable people such as children, the elderly, the sick, and the poor.
The same climate change-driven threats that put birds at risk harm people, too. Hover over or tap an area on the map to see specific threats that will affect that area as warming increases.