Audubon Mural Project
New York, NY; Ongoing
Street artists are lighting up upper Manhattan, close to John James Audubon’s final resting place, with depictions of climate-imperiled birds. So far the project, curated by Avi Gitler, who owns a neighborhood gallery called Gitler &_____, portrays seven species, plus a caricature of Audubon himself. The goal: lining the streets with renderings of all 314 species in Audubon’s Climate report.
More info: audubonmuralproject.org
Blackbird and the Storm
Boulder, CO; January 9
Denver, CO; January 10
Recording artist Marie-Juliette Bird kicks off her Audubon concert series 5,000 feet above sea level. The tour, centered around her latest work, Blackbird and the Storm, weaves Bird’s lyrics into birds’ songs. The singer eschews standard Western scales for the subtler microtones of birdsong.
More info: blackbirdandthestorm.com/shows
Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival
Morro Bay, CA; January 16–19
This festival, sponsored by the Morro Bay Audubon Society, will focus on conserving California’s Central Coast. This year’s featured speaker is Scott Weidensaul, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated writer, naturalist, and regular Audubon contributor. Attendees can sample an array of outings, including bird ID workshops, gardening seminars, and photo cruises.
More info: morrobaybirdfestival.org
Great Backyard Bird Count
Everywhere; February 13–16
The 17 years of data collected by the GBBC have helped protect birds across the globe. Your 15 minutes will make year 18 another success. Last year amateurs and experts from 100-plus countries took part. Tally sheets and checklists are available online.
More info: gbbc.birdcount.org
San Diego Bird Festival
San Diego, CA; March 5–8
Field excursions, workshops, and cruises highlight this year’s celebration of San Diego County’s wildlife diversity. Notable events include an appearance by the Bird Call Lady and a viewing of the film Ordinary Extraordinary Junco.
More info: sandiegoaudubon.org/events/bird-festival