Jacelyn Downey
Education Programs Manager, Audubon Rockies
Jacelyn Downey began working for Audubon Rockies as a community naturalist in 2006 when she moved to northeast Wyoming with her husband to live and work on the family ranch. Once in Wyoming, Jacelyn focused on sagebrush conservation and getting youth and families to explore the natural wonders of the Rocky Mountain west. In 2015 she won Audubon's highest education award, the Tamar Chotzen Award. Jacelyn serves as a board member for Wyoming's Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust Fund, the Barnyards & Backyards team, and Wyoming Project Learning Tree. Jacelyn enjoys any excuse to be outside with her husband and two daughters, traveling, and cooking for family and friends.
Articles by Jacelyn Downey

Audubon Rockies and Anderson Ranch Arts Center Kick Off Aspen Summer of Birds
July 23, 2024 —
The weeklong workshop encouraged kids to appreciate the wonder of wildlife.