Emma Bryce

Reporter, Audubon Magazine

Emma Bryce is a freelance journalist based in London. Her love affair with birds began when she first clapped eyes on a flamingo. 

Articles by Emma Bryce

The Eager Eagle Finder
March 04, 2015 — Filmmaker Charlie Engelman dreamt of glimpsing one Bald Eagle, but saw hundreds instead.
How to De-Oil a Bird
March 04, 2015 — Dish detergent is the key ingredient, but the process takes more than suds.
World's Biggest Offshore Wind Farm Could Shape Seabird Behavior
February 27, 2015 — Some birds dodge turbine blades, but others alter their routes to avoid them altogether.
How Much Plastic Is Marooned at Sea?
February 27, 2015 — A study on ocean-bound plastic gives the first comprehensive estimate of this large-scale problem.
First Snowy Owl Tagged in Wisconsin This Season
February 25, 2015 — An airport fugitive takes off with some crowdfunded bling, thanks to Madison Audubon.
Farmers Take a Staycation to Tally Up Their Flocks
February 20, 2015 — U.K. bird count shows farms are surprisingly rife with threatened species.
Why Is the Houbara Bustard Making Headlines?
February 18, 2015 — A royal hunting trip in Pakistan upsets conservationists with its extravagance.
Feathered Friends for Life—or Not
February 18, 2015 — Birds make new pals when circumstances force it, but don't expect them to buddy up for the long haul.
An Egg With a View
February 11, 2015 — Researchers assemble a transparent egg that allows us to sneak a peek at an unborn chick.
The Champion Egg-Layers of the Bird World
February 06, 2015 — When it comes to reproductive investment, which birds win? Not the ones you were expecting.